Deploying Ceph over IPv6

I like to deploy Ceph clusters over IPv6. I actually think that’s the way forward. IPv4 is legacy just like iSCSI and NFS are.

Last week I was at a customer deploying a new Ceph cluster and they wanted to deploy with IPv6! Most deployment I did with IPv6 were done manually and not with ceph-deploy, but when trying to deploy with ceph-deploy over IPv6 I ran into some issues.

Before going into that I want to make something clear. With Ceph you choose either IPv4 OR IPv6. There is NO dual-stack support. So the whole cluster (including clients) communicates over IPv6 or over IPv4. Switching afterwards is not possible. So that’s why I urge people to deploy with IPv6 since you probably want to have your cluster running for a long time.

All package repos (including the Ceph ones) have IPv6 enabled, so in my opinion there is no good reason to prefer IPv4 with a Ceph deployment when IPv6 is available. I even think it’s easier in large deployment due to the Router Advertisements in IPv6.

Having that said it’s time to go back to the ceph-deploy issue.

In ceph.conf you have to enclose IPv6 addresses for monitors with a [ and ]. This is what ceph-deploy did wrong:

mon_host = 2a00:f10:X:X::X,2a00:f10:X:X::Y,2a00:f10:X:X::Z

While it should have been:

mon_host = [2a00:f10:X:X::X],[2a00:f10:X:X::Y],[2a00:f10:X:X::Z]
ms_bind_ipv6 = true

The ms_bind_ipv6 setting tells the Messenger inside Ceph to bind on IPv6. It’s important that you set that setting on all hosts in the Ceph cluster, otherwise things will go wrong badly. Heartbeats and such will not work.

I wrote a patch for ceph-deploy which fixes it. It writes the ‘mon_host’ setting correctly and also adds the ‘ms_bind_ipv6’ setting when IPv6 is used for the monitors.