Placement Groups with Ceph Luminous stay in activating state

Placement Groups stuck in activating

When migrating from FileStore with BlueStore with Ceph Luminuous you might run into the problem that certain Placement Groups stay stuck in the activating state.

44    activating+undersized+degraded+remapped

PG Overdose

This is a side-effect of the new PG overdose protection in Ceph Luminous.

Too many PGs on your OSDs can cause serious performance or availability problems.

You can see the amount of Placement Groups per OSD using this command:

$ ceph osd df

Increase Max PG per OSD

The default value is a maximum of 200 PGs per OSD and you should stay below that! However, if you are hit by PGs in the activating state you can set this configuration value:

mon_max_pg_per_osd = 500

Then restart the OSDs and MONs which are serving the affected by this.

Usually you shouldn’t run into this, but if this hits you in the middle of a migration or upgrade this might save you.

Quick overview of Ceph version running on OSDs

When checking a Ceph cluster it’s useful to know which versions you OSDs in the cluster are running.

There is a very simple on-line command to do this:

ceph osd metadata|jq '.[].ceph_version'|sort|uniq -c

Running this on a cluster which is currently being upgraded to Jewel to Luminous it shows:

     10 "ceph version 10.2.6 (656b5b63ed7c43bd014bcafd81b001959d5f089f)"
   1670 "ceph version 10.2.7 (50e863e0f4bc8f4b9e31156de690d765af245185)"
    426 "ceph version 10.2.9 (2ee413f77150c0f375ff6f10edd6c8f9c7d060d0)"
     66 "ceph version 12.2.1 (3e7492b9ada8bdc9a5cd0feafd42fbca27f9c38e) luminous (stable)"

So 66 OSDs are running Luminous and 2106 OSDs are running Jewel.

Starting with Luminous there is also this command:

ceph features

This shows us all daemon and client versions in the cluster:

    "mon": {
        "group": {
            "features": "0x1ffddff8eea4fffb",
            "release": "luminous",
            "num": 5
    "osd": {
        "group": {
            "features": "0x7fddff8ee84bffb",
            "release": "jewel",
            "num": 426
        "group": {
            "features": "0x1ffddff8eea4fffb",
            "release": "luminous",
            "num": 66
    "client": {
        "group": {
            "features": "0x7fddff8ee84bffb",
            "release": "jewel",
            "num": 357
        "group": {
            "features": "0x1ffddff8eea4fffb",
            "release": "luminous",
            "num": 7