A quick note on running CloudStack with RBD on Ubuntu 12.04

When you want to use Ceph as Primary Storage in Apache CloudStack you need a recent version of libvirt with RBD storage pool support enabled.

If you want to use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) you would need to manually compile libvirt since the default libvirt version doesn’t include RBD storage pool support.

But not any more! Ubuntu has their Cloud Archive which is aimed at OpenStack, but that doesn’t matter, we just want a newer version of libvirt with RBD storage pool support.

So, add this PPA and a Apt source for Ceph and you can use RBD with CloudStack without compiling anything!

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-cloud-keyring
$ echo deb http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise-updates/grizzly main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloud-archive.list
$ wget -q -O- 'https://ceph.com/git/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc' | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo deb http://eu.ceph.com/debian-cuttlefish/ $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list
$ sudo apt-get install cloudstack-agent

Voila, you now have all the packages you need to run a CloudStack agent with RBD support.

Last Updated on 04-10-2013 by Wido den Hollander